By aCatalyst Staff Holy Grail of business must be the illusive change programme that genuinely transforms business performance.  In many cases, despite excessive doses of new age management voodoo, and an often jargon filled optimistic start, with time, the balance sheet starts bleeding red ink. With the company worse off, than it was before the […]

By David J. Abbott Business books and the management press are filled with jargon. Everyone is searching for the next mind boggling bright business idea. Ever sit in a meeting and listen to a presentation, filled with all the right corporately correct words, nodding one’s head politely, yet it was totally incomprehensible? One of the

Myth of the teamRead More »

“There are “serious and widespread doubts about human resources (HR) contribution to organisational performance.”  “The activities of HR appear to be – and often are – disconnected from the real work of the organisation” wrote Dave Ulrich of the University Of Michigan in the Harvard Business Review in 1998. “Indeed if HR were to remain configured as

Does human resources fail it’s performance appraisal ?Read More »

Non-governmental organisations [NGO] operating in Kenya [numbering more than 6,000] range from the extraordinary, those who have won the Nobel Peace Prize like the French Medicins Sans Frontiers [Doctors without borders] through to the ordinary,those that were formed last week by two well meaning individuals. Heart of the matter for NGOs is to answer the question, what

NGOs making a shift — or not ?Read More »

Strategy as a Service [SaaS] provides a quick response and cost effective flexibility to changing needs.  aCatalyst Consulting’s approach to strategy is to begin with the end in mind. Strategy is an often misused word. What many businesses have is an operational plan that lists ‘things to do’ rather than a clear map that sets out leverage

Strategy as a Service – Alternative to the Traditional Consulting ApproachRead More »

For some strange reason, complex and lengthy are believed to the requirements for a strategic plan.  Exactly the opposite is true.  The best ‘game changing’ strategic plans fit on one page, they are simple, setting out where the organisation needs to go.   Concise,  easily  understood by management and staff,  a single page visual map where

Create a game changing strategy=1 pageRead More »